Complex data types and the Rust FFI

The Rust Foreign Function Interface (FFI, for short) is a feature of Rust that enables the sharing of data and functions between parts of code that have been written in different languages. I am interested in the FFI because many libraries used in embedded systems are written in C, and I would like to leverage them for my embedded work with Rust.

I quickly learned from my initial experiments with the Rust FFI that one of its challenges is casting data types into a form that may be consumed by other languages. This challenge is not unique to the Rust FFI, and there are numerous reasons for it. For one, different languages use different mechanisms to layout data in the computer's memory. What's more, names for functions and data types are often mangled, which means that the symbol in a library that maps to a function may be different than the name that you give to the function in your code. As far as I know, C compilers do not mangle symbol names, and partly for this reason the C language is often used as an intermediary language in FFIs. Converting Rust to C is therefore an important skill when using Rust for multi-language work.

There are a few good resources on the internet about using the Rust FFI to expose functions written in Rust to other languages. However, I found little information about passing data types between languages. To help remedy this situation, I describe in this post a simple Rust library that I wrote to explore how to pass complex data types from Rust to C.

An example FFI project

I created the Rust library in the typical way by first starting a new project with Cargo:

$ cargo new --lib rstruct
$ cd rstruct

Inside, I modified the contents of Cargo.toml to the following:

name = "rstruct"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = ["Kyle M. Douglass"]
edition = "2018"

crate-type = ["cdylib"]


The only lines that I added were [lib] and crate-type = ["cdylib"]. As described in the 2018 edition guide, this type of crate produces a binary that has no Rust-specific information in it and is intended for use through a C FFI.

Next, I opened the src/ source file, removed the auto-generated content, and added the following source.

use std::boxed::Box;
use std::ffi::CString;
use std::os::raw::c_char;

pub struct RStruct {
    name: *const c_char,
    value: Value,

pub enum Value {

pub extern "C" fn data_new() -> *mut RStruct {
    println!("{}", "Inside data_new().".to_string());

    Box::into_raw(Box::new(RStruct {
        name: CString::new("my_rstruct")
            .expect("Error: CString::new()")
        value: Value::_Int(42),

pub extern "C" fn data_free(ptr: *mut RStruct) {
    if ptr.is_null() {
    unsafe {

Roughly speaking, this simple library does two things. First, it defines two data types, a struct called RStruct and a Rust enum (not to be confused with a C enum!) called Value. Second, it exposes two functions that may be used to access instances of these data types from C: data_new() and data_free().

Let's take closer look now at what the code is doing.

Defining structs and enums for use in C

I want to expose instances of the RStruct type to C code. The definition of RStruct is

pub struct RStruct {
    name: *const c_char,
    value: Value,

The first line here is [repr(C)]. This is an attribute that modifies the layout of the struct in memory to "do what C does." As described in the Rustonomicon,

The order, size, and alignment of fields is exactly what you would expect from C or C++. Any type you expect to pass through an FFI boundary should have repr(C), as C is the lingua-franca of the programming world.

Next, we define a public struct just as we would if we were writing typical Rust code. In this example, the struct has two fields. The first is a field called name, which has a type *const c_char. The Rust data types String and &str cannot be interpreted in C, so instead we define the data type as a raw pointer to a c_char. (In this case, * is not dereferencing the pointer but is part of the type name *const T.)

The second field is an enum whose definition follows:

pub enum Value {

Again we use #[repr(C)] to indicate that we want the enum to be laid out in memory in the same manner as in C. The enum Value has two variants, _Int and _Float, that each contain a value of i32 and f64, respectively. If you're familiar with C, then you may have already noticed that C enums are differnt from Rust enums in that they do not hold any data themselves. How this minor annoyance is solved will be seen later when we generate the C header for this library.

The data types i32 and f64 are easily translated into C's equivalent numeric data types, so there is no need to do anything special with them.

Instantiating and freeing Memory

Following the data type definitions, there are two functions that are exposed through the FFI boundary, one for instantiating an RStruct and one for freeing the memory associated with an RStruct. The method for instantiation is first:

pub extern "C" fn data_new() -> *mut RStruct {
    println!("{}", "Inside data_new().".to_string());

    Box::into_raw(Box::new(RStruct {
        name: CString::new("my_rstruct")
            .expect("Error: CString::new()")
        value: Value::_Int(42),

The first line contains an attribute called #[no_mangle]. As defined in the Book:

Mangling is when a compiler changes the name we’ve given a function to a different name that contains more information for other parts of the compilation process to consume but is less human readable.

Placing the #[no_mangle] attribute before the function definition ensures that the function name matches that of the corresponding symbol in the library.

Next is the function definition pub extern "C" fn data_new() -> *mut RStruct. Let's break this down into parts to understand it better:

  • pub : The function will be callable from outside the library
  • extern "C" : This line serves two different purposes in Rust, both related to FFI. In my case, I use it specify that the function should be exposed with the application binary interface from C.
  • fn data_new() : This is just the usual fn keyword and the name of the function
  • -> *mut RStruct : Here I specify that the function will return a mutable, raw pointer to an RStruct instance.

The purpose of this function is to create a RStruct instance and return a pointer to it. The RStruct is created just as we would any other struct in Rust, with the exception of the name field:

RStruct {
    name: CString::new("my_rstruct")
        .expect("Error: CString::new()")
    value: Value::_Int(42),

The CString is first created with the new() constructor and contains the value "my_rstruct". After unpacking the result with expect(), I call the into_raw() method to create a raw pointer to the C string whose ownership will be passed off to the calling C code. (If I had used as_ptr() instead, the pointer would have been dropped immediately after the function call because the CString would have been deallocated.) The value field is instantiated as it would be in normal Rust.

What is perhaps new in this method is the Box type that wraps the RStruct instance.

Box::into_raw(Box::new( ... ))

A Box is one of Rust's smart pointers that is used to allocate memory for a data type on the heap. When Box::new() is called it creates a pointer to the newly created RStruct instance. Normally, this pointer would be dropped and the memory automatically deallocated when the data_new() function returns. However, the Box::into_raw() function serves the same purpose here as the corresponding function for CString: it hands off ownership of the pointer to the calling code so that the memory is not deallocated.

There is a rule-of-thumb that memory allocated by Rust should be freed by Rust. For this reason, we provide the data_free() method that C code may use to deallocate the memory that is allocated by data_new().

pub extern "C" fn data_free(ptr: *mut RStruct) {
    if ptr.is_null() {
    unsafe {

This function accepts a mutable pointer to an RStruct. First, it checks whether the pointer is null and if it is, the function returns without doing anything. Assuming that the pointer is not null, the Box is reconstructed from it inside an unsafe block because from_raw() is unsafe. Importantly, this new Box pointer will go out of scope at the end of the function so that it will automatically be dropped when the function returns.

Building the library is simple. I run cargo build --release to build a release version. The library itself will be found at target/release/ On Linux, one can verify that it contains the data_new() and data_free() methods by displaying its symbols with the nm -g command:

$ nm -g target/release/
# snip
00000000000046c0 T data_free
00000000000044e0 T data_new
# snip

Generating the header for the library

Now that I have a shared library, I want to access the functions that it exposes from C. To do this, I first need a header file that I can use to import the library's declarations into the C code. Moreover, generating the header can help in understanding how Rust translates its data types to C.

I will use cbindgen to automatically generate the header. cbindgen is installed with the command

$ cargo install cbindgen

cbindgen is highly configurable, but for the project described here I only need its most basic functionality. Assuming that I am in the root directory of my Rust project, I generate the header rstruct.h with the following

$ cbindgen --lang C -o rstruct.h .

After running cbindgen there is a new file called rstruct.h in the project folder. Here are its contents:

#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

typedef enum {
} Value_Tag;

typedef struct {
  int32_t _0;
} _Int_Body;

typedef struct {
  double _0;
} _Float_Body;

typedef struct {
  Value_Tag tag;
  union {
    _Int_Body _int;
    _Float_Body _float;
} Value;

typedef struct {
  const char *name;
  Value value;
} RStruct;

void data_free(RStruct *ptr);

RStruct *data_new(void);

First, you can see the enum that contains the variations of the Value data type that is stored in the RStruct and that was defined in Rust. The name of this new type is Value_Tag, and it is used to define the current type of a value.

typedef struct {
  Value_Tag tag;
  union {
    _Int_Body _int;
    _Float_Body _float;
} Value;

A Value is just another struct that contains a Value_Tag field to identify which variant of the enum it is holding and a union field that holds the actual value.

The important thing to understand here is that cbindgen effectively uses nested C data types to represent complex Rust data structures. In particular, Rust enums are a combination of C structs, enums, and unions.

Calling the library from C

With everything in place, it's now time to write the C program. My example C program looks like the following:

#include <dlfcn.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#include "rstruct.h"

int main() {
  void* handle;
  RStruct* (*data_new)(void);
  void (*data_free)(RStruct*);
  char* error;

  handle = dlopen(
  if (!handle) {
    fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", dlerror());


  data_new = (RStruct* (*)(void)) dlsym(handle, "data_new");
  error = dlerror();
  if (error != NULL) {
    fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", error);


  data_free = (void (*)(RStruct*)) dlsym(handle, "data_free");
  error = dlerror();
  if (error != NULL) {
    fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", error);

  printf("Calling data_new() from main.c...\n");
  RStruct* data = (*data_new)();

  printf("\nBack inside main.c. Printing results...\n");
  printf("Name: %s\nValue: %d\n", data->name, data->value._int._0);

  printf("\nFreeing the RStruct data...\n");

  return EXIT_SUCCESS;

This code is based on the example in the dlopen() man pages. In particular, the library file is opened and a handle attached to it here:

handle = dlopen(

A function pointer to data_new() is created with dlsym(), and we use the function to create the new RStruct instance with the lines

data_new = (RStruct* (*)(void)) dlsym(handle, "data_new");
// snip
RStruct* data = (*data_new)();

Finally, the data is freed by creating another function pointer to data_free() and calling it.

data_free = (void (*)(RStruct*)) dlsym(handle, "data_free");
// snip

Running the program

I wrote a small Makefile to handle compilation of the C and Rust programs while I wrote this post. I won't include it here because it distracts from the main message about the Rust FFI. Instead, I will describe how to compile the program from the command line.

I first placed the, rstruct.h, and main.c programs into the following directory structure:

$ tree
├── include
│   └── rstruct.h
├── lib
│   └──
└── src
    └── main.c

Next, I compiled the main binary with gcc.

$ gcc -Wall -g -Iinclude -c -o main.o main.c
$ gcc -Wall -g -o main main.o -ldl

(-ldl is used to link against libdl for dynamically loading the library from C.) After compilation I run the main binary. To make it work, I set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable so that the program knows to look inside the lib directory for the library.

$ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=lib ./main

Calling data_new() from main.c...
Inside data_new().

Back inside main.c. Printing results...
Name: my_rstruct
Value: 42

Freeing the RStruct data...

Nice! From the output you can see the print statements that I placed inside both the Rust and C code to indicate where the program was as it was running. In summary, the program performs the following sequence of events:

  • The main binary is run
  • The library is opened and pointers to the data_new() and data_free() functions are created
  • data_new() is called, creating our Rust datatype on the heap and returning a pointer to it in the C code
  • Information about the data type is printed from C
  • data_free() is called, freeing the memory from back inside Rust


And that's it! I hope you enjoyed this post. It took me several days of reading and trial-and-error to learn about this feature of Rust. The topics covered here were

  • the Rust FFI and its purpose
  • creating a complex data type (a Rust enum nested inside a Rust struct) and exporting it through the FFI
  • Box and CString Rust data types
  • cbindgen for automatically creating header files from Rust code
  • using the Rust library from inside C


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