Create a custom Raspbian image with pi-gen: part 2

In my previous post, I discussed how to setup user accounts and locales in a custom Raspbian image using pi-gen. In this follow-up post, I will discuss the main problems that I want to solve: automatically configuring the wireless network and ssh on a new Raspberry Pi without a terminal attached directly to the Pi.

Set up the wireless network

The WPA supplicant

The Pi's wireless credentials are configured in stage 2 in the file stage2/02-net-tweaks/files/wpa_supplicant.conf. Here's how it looks by default:

ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev

According to the blogs Learn Think Solve Create and the Raspberry Spy, the first thing we should do is add our country code to the top of this file with the line country=CH. (Use your own country code for this.) Next, we want to enter the details for our wireless network, which includes its name and the password. For security reasons that I hope are obvious, we should not store the password in this file. Instead, we create a hash of the password and put that inside the file. The command to create the password hash is

wpa_passphrase ESSID PASSWORD > psk

where ESSID is our wireless network's name. Note that I also used a space before the wpa_passphrase command to prevent the password being written to my .bash_history file. Now, we copy and paste the contents of the file psk into the wpa_supplicant.conf and remove the comment that contains the actual password:

ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev

Configure the wireless network interfaces

After having configured the supplicant, we next move on to configuring the network interfaces used by Raspbian. The appropriate file is found in stage1/02-net-tweaks/files/interfaces. In my post Connecting a Raspberry Pi to a Home Linux Network I described how to set up the network interfaces by editing /etc/network/interfaces. Much of the information presented in that post has now been superseded in Raspbian by the DHCP daemon. For now, we will use the interfaces file to instruct our Pi to use DHCP and will use /etc/dhcpcd.conf at a later time to set up a static IP address when provisioning the Pi.

We first need to make a few changes to make the interfaces file aware of the credentials in the wpa supplicant configuration file. According to the blog kerneldriver, we need modify the /etc/networe/interfaces file as such:

auto lo

iface lo inet loopback
iface eth0 inet dhcp

auto wlan0
iface wlan0 inet manual
     wpa-roam /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
iface default inet dhcp

In the first modification, I specify that I want the wirless interface wlan0 started automatically with auto wlan0. Next, I specify that the wlan0 interface should use the manual inet address family with the line iface wlan0 inet manual.

According to the man pages, "[the manual] method may be used to define interfaces for which no configuration is done by default." After this we use the wpa-roam command to specify the location of the wpa_supplicant.conf file that we previously modified. The wireless ESSID and password are therefore not defined in interfaces, but rather reference them inside wpa_supplicant.conf.

In case you noticed that wpa-roam doesn't appear as an option in documentation on the interfaces file and were wondering why, it's because other programs like wpasupplicant may provide additional options to the interfaces file. A similar command is wpa-conf, but I do not quite yet understand the difference between these two commands.

Following the wpa-roam command, we configure the default options for all networks in our wpa_supplicant.conf file with the line iface default inet dhcp. At this point, we save the setup of the static IP address for a later time.

For more information, see the interfaces man page for Debian Stretch.

Change the hostname

Our Pi's hostname may be changed from the default (raspberrypi) by modifying the line in stage1/02-net-tweaks/files/hostname. See RFC 1178 for tips on choosing a hostname.

In addition to modifying the hostname file, we need to update stage1/02-net-tweaks/00-patches/01-hosts.diff and change raspberrypi to the new hostname:

Index: jessie-stage1/rootfs/etc/hosts
--- jessie-stage1.orig/rootfs/etc/hosts
+++ jessie-stage1/rootfs/etc/hosts
@@ -3,3 +3,4 @@
 ff02::1                ip6-allnodes
 ff02::2                ip6-allrouters


Set the DNS servers

DNS servers are configured in export-image/02-network/files/resolv.conf. By default, mine was already configured to use one of Google's DNS servers ( I added a secondary Google DNS address as well:


Enable SSH

Enabling SSH is simple. Open stage2/01-sys-tweaks/ and change the line systemctl disable ssh to systemctl enable ssh.

(I later learned that we can also enable ssh on a headless pi by adding an empty file named ssh to the boot partition of a standard Raspbian image. See here for more details:

Configuring SSH keys (or not)

I decided after writing much of this tutorial that pi-gen was not necessarily the best tool for adding my public SSH keys. So long as I have network access and SSH enabled, I can easily add my keys using ssh-copy-id. Furthermore, after following this tutorial, there still remains a lot of setup and customization steps. These can more easily be performed manually or by server automation tools like Fabric or Ansible.

Therefore, I think that at this point we can stop with our customization of the image with pi-gen and move to a different tool. We have a basic Raspbian image that is already configured for our home network and that serves as a starting point for more complete customization.


This tutorial and my previous post demonstrated how to create a custom Raspbian image that is pre-configured for

  • our home wireless network
  • our locale information
  • ssh

Of course, we can do much, much more with pi-gen, but other tools exist for the purpose of configuring a server. These tutorials at least allow you to setup a new Raspberry Pi without having to manually configure its most basic functionality. Happy Pi'ing!


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