Out of the Tar Pit: a Summary

Out of the Tar Pit is a 2006 paper by Ben Moseley and Peter Marks about the causes and effects of complexity in software systems. The thesis of the paper is stated already in the second sentence of the paper:

The biggest problem in the development and maintenance of large-scale software systems is complexity — large systems are hard to understand.

As implied by the authors, complexity is a property of a software system that represents the degree of difficulty that is experienced when trying to understand the system. State—in particular mutable state—is the primary cause of complexity. Additional causes are code volume and control flow, but these are of secondary importance.


Of the four properties described by Brooks in the paper entitled No Silver Bullet that make building software hard (complexity, conformity, changeability, invisibility), the authors state that complexity is the only meaningful one:

Complexity is the root cause of the vast majority of problems with software today. Unreliability, late delivery, lack of security — often even poor performance in large-scale systems can all be seen as deriving ultimately from unmanageable complexity.

By complexity, the authors mean "that which makes large systems hard to understand," not the field of computer science that is concerned with the resources that are consumed by an algorithm.

Approaches to Understanding

To better establish their definition of complexity, the authors explore the ways in which developers attempt to understand a system. There are two main ways:

  1. Testing This is a way to understand the system from the outside.
  2. Informal Reasoning This is a way to understand the system from the inside.
Of the two, informal reasoning is the most important by far. This is because — as we shall see below — there are inherent limits to what can be achieved by testing, and because informal reasoning (by virtue of being an inherent part of the development process) is always used. The other justification is that improvements in informal reasoning will lead to less errors being created whilst all that improvements in testing can do is to lead to more errors being detected.

The primary problem with testing is that a test will only tell you about the behavior of a system subject to the particular range of inputs used by the test. A test will tell you absolutely nothing about the system's behavior under a different set of inputs. In large systems, the set of all possible inputs is too large to fully explore with testing.

Have you performed the right tests? The only certain answer you will ever get to this question is an answer in the negative — when the system breaks.

Informal reasoning, on the other hand, is what is used when a developer builds a mental model about how the system works while looking at the code. Because it is the most important way to understand a system, simplicity is a vital characteristic of well-functioning, large-scale systems.

Causes of Complexity


The presence of state (particularly mutable state) makes programs difficult to understand. The authors offer the following example to explain the problems of state:

Anyone who has ever telephoned a support desk for a software system and been told to “try it again”, or “reload the document”, or “restart the program”, or “reboot your computer” or “re-install the program” or even “re-install the operating system and then the program” has direct experience of the problems that state causes for writing reliable, understandable software.

State makes testing difficult by making flakiness more likely. (Flakiness describes a set of tests that randomly fail for seemingly no reason.) This fact, combined with the large number of inputs to a program, combine together horribly (emphasis the authors).

In addition, state complicates informal reasoning by hindering the developer from understanding the system "from the inside." It contaminates a system in the sense that even mostly stateless systems become difficult to understand when coupled to components with mutable state.


The authors claim that the next most important barrier to understanding is control.

Control is basically about the order in which things happen. The problem with control is that very often we do not want to have to be concerned with this.

Complexity caused by control very much depends on the choice of language; some languages make control flow explicit, whereas other, more declarative languages, make control flow implicit. Having to explicitly deal with control creates complexity.

The same is true of concurrency. Explicit concurrency in particular makes both testing and informal reasoning about programs hard.

Code volume

Increasing the amount of code does increase complexity, but effective management of state and control marginalizes its impact.

There are indeed other causes of complexity than the three listed above, but they all reduce to three basic principles:

  1. Complexity breeds complexity
  2. Simplicity is hard
  3. Power corrupts

The last principle states that mistakes and poor decisions will be made when a language allows it. For this reason, restrictive, declarative languages and tools should be preferred.

Classical approaches to managing complexity

To better understand the ways in which programmers manage complexity, the authors explore three major styles of programming:

  1. Imperative (more precisely, object-oriented)
  2. Functional
  3. Logic


Object-oriented programming (OOP) is one of the most dominant styles of programming today for computers that are based on the von Neumann architecture and is presumably inspired largely by its state-based form of computation.

OOP enforces integrity constraints on data by combining an object's state with a set of procedures to access and modify it. This characteristic is known as encapsulation. Problems may arise when multiple procedures contend for access to the same state.

OOP also views objects as being uniquely identifiable, regardless of the object's attributes. In other words, two objects with the exact same set of attributes and values are condsidered distinct. This property is known as intensional identity and contrasts with extensional identity in which things are considered the same if their attributes are the same.

For these two reasons, OOP is not suitable for avoiding the problems of complexity:

The bottom line is that all forms of OOP rely on state (contained within objects) and in general all behaviour is affected by this state. As a result of this, OOP suffers directly from the problems associated with state described above, and as such we believe that it does not provide an adequate foundation for avoiding complexity.

Functional programming

Modern functional programming (FP) languages can be classified as pure (e.g. Haskell) and impure (e.g. the ML family of languages).

The primary strength of functional programming is that by avoiding state (and side-effects) the entire system gains the property of referential transparency - which implies that when supplied with a given set of arguments a function will always return exactly the same result (speaking loosely we could say that it will always behave in the same way)...

It is this cast iron guarantee of referential transparency that obliterates one of the two crucial weaknesses of testing as discussed above. As a result, even though the other weakness of testing remains (testing for one set of inputs says nothing at all about behaviour with another set of inputs), testing does become far more effective if a system has been developed in a functional style.

Informal reasoning is also more effective in the functional approach to programming. By enforcing referential transparency, mutable state is generally avoided. However, in spite of its properties, nothing in FP can prevent somenone from effectively simulating multiple state, so some care must still be taken.

The authors concede that by sacrificing state in FP, one does lose a degree of modularity.

Working within a stateful framework it is possible to add state to any component without adjusting the components which invoke it. Working within a functional framework the same effect can only be achieved by adjusting every single component that invokes it to carry the additional information around.


The trade-off is between complexity (with the ability to take a shortcut when making some specific types of change) and simplicity (with huge improvements in both testing and reasoning). As with the discipline of (static) typing, it is trading a one-off up-front cost for continuing future gains and safety (“one-off” because each piece of code is written once but is read, reasoned about and tested on a continuing basis).

FP remains relatively unpopular despite its advantages. The authors state that the reason is that problems arise when programmers attempt to use it in problems that require mutable state.

Logic programming

Logic programming is like FP in the sense that it is declarative: it emphasizes what needs to be done, not how it is done. The primary example of a logic programming language is Prolog.

Pure logic programming is the approach of doing nothing more than making statements about the problem (and desired solutions). This is done by stating a set of axioms which describe the problem and the attributes required of something for it to be considered a solution. The ideal of logic programming is that there should be an infrastructure which can take the raw axioms and use them to find or check solutions. All solutions are formal logical consequences of the axioms supplied, and “running” the system is equivalent to the construction of a formal proof of each solution.

Pure logic programming does not suffer from the same problems of state and control as OOP. However, it appears that real logic programming languages need to make some pragmatic tradeoffs in their implementations which introducs small amounts of state and control elements.

Accidents and Essence

The authors define two different types of complexity:

  • Essential complexity is inherent in, and the essence of, the problem as seen by the user.
  • Accidental complexity is all the rest - complexity with which the development team would not have to deal with in the real world.

It is important to understand the degree of strictness in the definition of essential complexity. Only complexity related to the problem domain of the user falls into this category. Everything related to the implementation details - bytes, transistors, operating systems, programming languages, etc. - is accidental complexity.

We hence see essential complexity as "the complexity with which the team will have to be concerned, even in the ideal world"... Note that the "have to" part of this observation is critical — if there is any possible way that the team could produce a system that the users will consider correct without having to be concerned with a given type of complexity then that complexity is not essential.

The authors disagree with Brooks's assertion that most complexity in software is essential.

Complexity itself is not an inherent (or essential) property of software (it is perfectly possible to write software which is simple and yet is still software), and further, much complexity that we do see in existing software is not essential (to the problem).

Functional relational programming

The second part of the paper concerns itself with exploring a real-world implementation of a complexity-minimizing system known as functional relational programming, or FRP. It is based on two major paradigms:

  • the relational data model for handling state
  • pure functional programming for handling logic

Throughout these final sections, the role of the relational model was the primary topic, whereas the role of functional programming within the system was given relatively little importance. I found a few points interesting here:

  1. The authors focus primarily on the pure form of the relational model, citing a work of Codd's that criticizes "impure" but pragmatic implementations, such as SQL. However, and as far as I can tell, there are extremely few real-world implementations of a pure relational database. (I only managed to find one, RelDB, from a page explaining why and how SQL does not strictly follow the relational model.)
  2. In spite of the paper's insistence on the elimination of mutable state, it seems like the authors ignore the point that their implementation of essential state using the relational model is mutable. I know of no way that FRP can update the relational variables in the system's essential state without mutating them.

The following quotes indicate that the authors seem to understand that their system is based on mutable state, which is why I am puzzled that it is part of their proposed solution.

Specifically, all input must be converted into relational assignments (which replace the old relvar values in the essential state with new ones), and all output (and side-effects) must be driven from changes to the values of relvars (primarily derived relvars). - Section 9.1.4

Finally, the ability to access arbitrary historical relvar values would obviously be a useful extension in some scenarios. - Section 9.1.5

I was actually a bit relieved when a colleague pointed out to me that Rich Hickey expresses similar criticism about FRP in his talk Deconstructing the Database because it gave me some confidence that my suspicions may be correct.


"Out of the Tar Pit" has significantly changed the way I think about solving problems with software engineering. In particular, it has made me reevaluate the signifance of domain specific languages (DSLs), especially those that constrain the freedom of the programmer to work only within the problem's immediate domain. I am much more suspect of the tendency of programmers to focus on the flow of control in a program, and I now go to great lengths to avoid mutable state in my own work.

I invested the most thought in the final sections of the paper, only to conclude that their content, in my opinion, is somewhat incomplete. Though the relational model is indeed powerful and elegant, it has very few pure, real-world implementations and seems to admit mutable state. This last bit I find difficult to reconcile with the main thesis of the paper, which is that mutable state is the primary cause of complexity in systems.

I described "Out of the Tar Pit" to my former manager as one of those papers where if you read it, you can't help but agree with it's message because it puts into words what you already know by heart. He replied that this is true only if you've worked in programming for long enough to suffer from the effects of unmanageable complexity. Otherwise, you have no idea what the authors are talking about.


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