Create a custom Raspbian image with pi-gen: part 1

Docker has been an amazing tool for improving my development efficiency on the Raspberry Pi. For example, I recently used it to cross-compile a large C++ and Python library for the Pi's ARM architecture on my x86_64 laptop. However, in that post I took it for granted that I had already set up my Raspberry Pi with user accounts, packages, ssh keys, etc. Performing these steps manually on a fresh install of the Pi's Raspbian operating system can become tedious, especially because ssh needs to be manually enabled before doing any remote work.

Fortunately, the Raspberry Pi developers have provided us with pi-gen, a useful collection of Shell scripts and a Docker container for creating custom Raspbian images. In this post, I will summarize the steps that I take in using pi-gen to create my own, personalized Raspbian image.

After I wrote this post, I found a set of posts at Learn Think Solve Create that describe many of the tasks I explain here. Be sure to check them out for another take on modifying Raspbian images.

Clone the pi-gen repository

This is as easy as cloning the git repository.

git clone

Alternatively, you can use the https address instead of ssh, which is

From now on, all directories in this post will be relative to the root pi-gen directory.

Build the official Raspbian images

By default, the pi-gen repository will build the official Raspbian images. Doing this once before making any modifications is probably a good idea; if you can't build the official images, how will you be able to build a custom image?

There are two main scripts that you can use to do this: and requires you to install the packages that are listed in the repository's file, whereas requires only that you have Docker already installed on your computer. I'm going to be using the Docker-based build script for the rest of this post. If you don't have Docker installed on your system, you can follow the instructions here for the community edition.

Name your image

First we need to give a name to our image, even if we use the default build. To do this, we assign a name to a variable called IMG_NAME inside a file called config that is located inside the root pi-gen folder.

echo "IMG_NAME=my_name" > config

Build the default image

Once we've named our image, we can go ahead and run the build script.


Be prepared to wait a while when running this script; the full build took well over half an hour on my laptop and with the Docker volume located on a SSD. It also consumed several GB of space on the SSD.

Resuming a failed build

The first time I used pi-gen the build failed twice. Once, it hung without doing anything for several minutes, so I canceled it with a Ctrl-C command. The other time I encountered a hash error when installing a Debian package.

We can resume a failed build from the point of failure by assigning the value 1 to the CONTINUE variable when calling again.


If we don't want to run previously built stages, we can simply place a file inside the corresponding folder named SKIP. For example, if our build fails at stage2, we can place SKIP files inside the stage0 and stage1 folders, then rerun the script with CONTINUE=1.

Unfortunately, I have sometimes noticed that I have to also rebuild the stage prior to the one where the build failed. In the worst case, I had to rebuild all the stages because the fixes I applied to a file in stage2 were not accounted for when I tried to skip building stages 0 and 1. YMMV with this; I have no idea how well the SKIP mechanism works for the normal script.

After a successful build, we can find our custom images located inside the deploy folder of the pi-gen directory. These may then be written onto a SD card and used as a standard Raspbian image.

We can ensure that the build container is preserved even after successful builds using


Custom Raspbian images

Now that we've got the default build working, let's start by customizing the build process. For this post, I have the following goals:

  • Build only the lite version of the Raspbian images
  • Add a custom user account and delete the default pi account
  • Set the Pi's locale information

In a follow-up post, I will discuss the following:

  • Setup the WiFi for a home network
  • Setup ssh so that we can log on to the Pi remotely on its first startup

Building just Raspbian Lite

Raspbian Lite is a minimal Raspbian image without the X windows server and speciality modules that would otherwise make Raspbian more user friendly. It's an ideal starting point for projects that are highly specialized, require only a few packages, and do not require a GUI.

pi-gen creates Raspbian images in sequential steps called stages. At the time of this writing, there were five stages, with stages 2, 4, and 5 producing images of the operating system. Building everything from stage 0 up to and including stage 2 produces a Raspbian Lite image. We can speed up the build process and save harddrive space by disabling all the later stages.

To disable the build for a particular a stage, we add an empty file called SKIP inside the corresponding stage folder of the pi-gen root directory, just as we did above when skipping previously built stages. We also disable the explicit creation of images by adding an empty file called SKIP_IMAGES to stages 4 and 5. (We don't need to add a SKIP_IMAGES file to the stage3 folder because no image is produced at this stage.)

touch ./stage3/SKIP ./stage4/SKIP ./stage5/SKIP
touch ./stage4/SKIP_IMAGES ./stage5/SKIP_IMAGES

Now, when we run, pi-gen will only build and produce one image for Raspbian Lite in the deploy directory.

Add a custom user account

The default user in Raspbian is called pi. This account is created in stage1 in the the script stage1/01-sys-tweaks/ This account is not very secure because it and its password, raspberry, are the well-known defaults in Raspbian. Let's go ahead and change them.

The relevant lines in the script look like this:

on_chroot << EOF
if ! id -u pi >/dev/null 2>&1; then
     adduser --disabled-password --gecos "" pi
echo "pi:raspberry" | chpasswd
echo "root:root" | chpasswd

The user pi is created with the line adduser --disabled-password --gecos "" pi if it doesn't already exist. According to the adduser man pages The --disabled-password flag prevents the program passwd from setting the account's password when adduser is run, but remote logins without password authentication to the pi account are still allowed. the --gecos "" flag simply adds an empty string to the /etc/passwd file for the pi account.

After the user is created, raspberry is set as pi's password and root is set as the root password in the lines echo "pi:raspberry" | chpasswd and echo "root:root" | chpasswd.

Let's start by modifying the pi account. For the sake of this example, let's change its name to alphapi. For the password, we will generate a temporary, random password and write it to a file in the deploy directory. We'll do the same for root. The modifications look like the following:

user_passwd=$(< /dev/urandom tr -dc _A-Z-a-z-0-9 | head -c${1:-8})
root_passwd=$(< /dev/urandom tr -dc _A-Z-a-z-0-9 | head -c${1:-8})

# Write passwords to a file.
cat <<EOF > /pi-gen/deploy/users

on_chroot << EOF
if ! id -u alphapi >/dev/null 2>&1; then
     adduser --disabled-password --gecos "" alphapi
echo "alphapi:${user_passwd}" | chpasswd
echo "root:${root_passwd}" | chpasswd

The first two lines create random alphanumeric passwords for the users alphapi and root. They should be changed immediately when the image is first run.

user_passwd=$(< /dev/urandom tr -dc _A-Z-a-z-0-9 | head -c${1:-8})
root_passwd=$(< /dev/urandom tr -dc _A-Z-a-z-0-9 | head -c${1:-8})

This way of password generation works by reading random bytes from /dev/urandom and redirecting them to the standard input of the tr command, which filters the input so only alphanumeric characters remain. Next, the output is piped to the head command, which outputs only the first eight alphanumeric characters produced in this fashion.

The passwords are then written to a file named users inside the deploy directory where the outputs will eventually be placed.

# Write passwords to a file.
cat <<EOF > /pi-gen/deploy/users

The remaining parts of the script are more-or-less the same as before, except I changed pi to alphapi and used variable substitution for the passwords.

Running ./ at this point will raise an error in stage02 because it's at this stage where the user pi is added to the various groups on the system. We therefore need to open stage2/01-sys-tweaks/ and modify the following lines, replacing pi with alphapi.

for GRP in adm dialout cdrom audio users sudo video games plugdev input gpio spi i2c netdev; do
    adduser alphapi $GRP

Set the locale information

The locale information used by your operating system may be modified as follows. Open stage0/01-locale/00-debconf. I personally changed every occurence of en_GB.UTF-8 to en_US.UTF-8, but you can set your locale accordingly.

# Locales to be generated:
# Choices: All locales, aa_DJ ISO-8859-1, aa_DJ.UTF-8 UTF-8, ...
locales locales/locales_to_be_generated multiselect en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8
# Default locale for the system environment:
# Choices: None, C.UTF-8, en_US.UTF-8
locales locales/default_environment_locale   select  en_US.UTF-8

Next, we open stage2/01-sys-tweaks/00-debconf. I currently live in Europe, so I made the following changes:

tzdata        tzdata/Areas    select  Europe

I also made the following changes to switch from the default British English to American English:

keyboard-configuration keyboard-configuration/xkb-keymap select us
keyboard-configuration keyboard-configuration/fvariant  select  English (US) - English (US\, international with dead keys)

Note that the comment in 00-debconf above the keyboard-configuration/xkb-keymap line erroneously states that American English is an option, but it's not. You need to change it from "gb" to "us" if you want the American layout.

Using the custom image

With all these changes, we can build our new image by running ./ and, if successful, find a .zip file inside the deploy directory with the image name and date.

To use this image, we unzip the file to extract the .img file inside it. Next, we need to copy it onto a SD card that will plug into the pi. I have a SD card reader/writer on my laptop for which I check for its Linux device name by running lsblk before and after plugging in the card. (The device that appears in the output of lsblk after plugging it in is its name, which is /dev/mmcblk0 on my laptop). Once I get its device name, I use the Linux dd command to copy the contents of the image onto the card. (Be sure to change /dev/mccblk0 to match the name that your system gives to your SD card device.)

sudo dd if=2018-07-21-my_name-lite.img of=/dev/mmcblk0 bs=4096; sync

Please be EXTREMELY careful that you get the device name right. It's not very difficult to write the contents of the image file over your root partition or other important data.

After writing the image, we can plug the SD card into our pi, boot it up, and try logging in as alphapi with the random password that was created in the users file. Be sure at this point to change your user's and root's password. We can also verify that the keyboard was set to US English by typing Shift-3 and observing whether we get a hashtag (#) symbol and not the symbol for the British pound currency.

In a follow-up post, I will describe how to setup the network and SSH so I can continue to setup my Raspberry Pi without ever needing a terminal.


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